C-TPAT: Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism
This standard provides requirements for implementing security controls in an organization that is performing operations affecting an international buyer, therefore upon implementation of this standard it also complies with security requirements of foreign buyers. The standard is US based but due to increasing level of concerns relating to illegal activities of international community, the standard has become an international phenomenon and accepted by almost all foreign buyers. The standard covers security requirements relating to monitoring, protection and security of working environment including loading areas.
Main Areas covered in this standard by QMS.9000
- Identification of applicable legal and regulatory security requirements in relation to organization’s working environment
- Preparation of Security and Safety Plan
- Identification of Security aspects
- Identification of potential hazards to security controls
- Occupational safety reviews that may have impact on Security protocols
- Training of personnel to lower the chances of internal unintentional violations
- Development of system for Disciplinary Process against security controls violations
- Development of Emergency Plan
- Development of shipment and loading plans in accordance to the security checks
- Development of system for visitor’s control
- Development of system for theft control, pilferages & wastages
- Control and Management of Physical Security Measures
- Management of Security Personnel
- Development of System for Personnel Security
- Development of System for Procedural Security
- Preparation of Audit Checklist for Security checks based on standard’s requirements
- Development of System for Internal Auditing based on C-TPAT requirements
- Development of System for Access Control
- Development of System for Monitoring of external and internal sensitive areas
- Development of System for Corrective and Preventive Action
- Factories belonging to such sectors; Textile Sector, Industrial Sector, Pharmaceutical Sector, Chemical Sector etc
Related Trainings
- Introduction to C-TPAT requirements with applicable legal & regulatory requirements (1 Day).