Consultancy | Certifications & Compliances

ISO 9001: Quality Management System
Quality Management System standard ISO 9001 is known for establishing basis of all ISO standards. It offers best management practices to increase the quality and efficiency of managing an organization’s core processes.

ISO 14001: Environmental Management System
ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System) mainly covers and controls the effects of an organization’s processes that may have some impact on internal and external surrounding atmosphere. The standard focuses mainly on Environment, Health and Safety issues in an organization.

ISO 22000: Food Safety Management System
ISO 22000 is a Food Safety Standard (adopted by ISO through HACCP). It comprehensively defines the requirements that can be adopted by industries/organizations belonging to Food Sector for an effective management system.

ISO 45001: Occupational Health & Safety
The (ISO 45001) specification gives clearer direction to an occupational health and safety management system. ISO 45001 is an audit / certification specification, not a legislative requirement or a guide to implementation.

ISO 26001: Social Accountability
The standard covers the requirements relating to handling of human resource in an industrial setup. It defines the social responsibilities of an organization towards its workers by expressing criteria for various aspects of Human Resource Management at an industrial unit.

WRAP: World Wide Responsible Apparel Production
The industry have realized a process to demonstrate its commitment to responsible business practices and to ensure that apparel is produced under lawful, humane and ethical conditions. WRAP is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to the certification of lawful, humane and ethical manufacturing throughout the world.

C-TPAT: Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism
This standard provides requirements for implementing security controls in an organization that is performing operations affecting an international buyer, therefore upon implementation of this standard it also complies with security requirements of foreign buyers.

COPC: Customer Operations Performance Center
Over a period of time International market (both buyers and consumers) have become conscious about quality, health, safety and environment in various aspects of living.

CE MARKING: Product Certification
CE Marking is the symbol as shown. The letters “CE” are the abbreviation of French phrase “Conformité Européene” which literaturely means “European Conformity”.

FBC: Foreign Buyers Compliances
International market is becoming conscious about environment, social, health and occupational safety issues. Moreover, keeping in view these International regulations and requirements, all major foreign buyers have developed their own standards and Terms of Engagements (TOE) or you may call Vender Code of Conduct (VCOC).